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Listen to Johnson Brunetti's Money Wisdom with Joel Johnson CFP®, host of Better Money Television program and Forbes Contributor. Gain true financial wisdom and advice aimed at educating you about all of your financial options when it comes to retirement so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Get information and education that can bring you peace of mind with your savings and retirement. Whether it’s your 401k account, IRA, or an underperforming asset, Joel Johnson can answer your questions and make you more aware of issues that may affect you.

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Jan 29, 2021

Much of what you try to accomplish with a financial plan is being prepared for the unexpected and there’s plenty of that in life. We realize not every question has an answer, but a strong plan can position you for many outcomes.


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Jan 22, 2021

After one tumultuous 2020, we’re bound and determined to have a positive year in 2021. No matter what comes our way, let’s keep taking steps to build a strong financial plan. To help you do that, we’ve laid out four planning items that should be on everyone’s list.


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Jan 15, 2021

Stats tell us that many people believe a financial plan is important but the majority of those people don’t follow through and get one built. If that’s you, don’t let procrastination keep you from reaching your retirement goals. As this new year begins, let’s talk about how you can take those next steps and...

Jan 8, 2021

As we kick off a new year on the podcast, let’s take a big picture look at 2021 and find out what Joel feels are the biggest challenges to the economy and what he’s most excited about for this year. We’ll also run through a handful of investment ideas to determine whether they might be a good idea or a bad...