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Listen to Johnson Brunetti's Money Wisdom with Joel Johnson CFP®, host of Better Money Television program and Forbes Contributor. Gain true financial wisdom and advice aimed at educating you about all of your financial options when it comes to retirement so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Get information and education that can bring you peace of mind with your savings and retirement. Whether it’s your 401k account, IRA, or an underperforming asset, Joel Johnson can answer your questions and make you more aware of issues that may affect you.

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Aug 25, 2023

Do you think there is a universal age to start Social Security? Have you ever wondered how your health history, longevity, and family history play into your decision on when to turn on your benefits? Let’s delve into this critical question in retirement and help you understand how we help our clients determine what...

Aug 18, 2023

We’re in the middle of one of the largest wealth transfers in our country’s history as Baby Boomers pass on their estate to loved ones, and some of that money is coming in the form of an IRA. Rules regarding inherited IRAs have changed in the past few years so let’s take a few minutes to tell you what you need to...

Aug 11, 2023

Many people will use retirement accounts like the 401(k) to save money, but we often get asked about the amount they should be contributing each month. Should it depend on what your company matches or should you just put as much as you can afford in regardless? Let’s dig deeper into this question and tell you what we...

Aug 4, 2023

When we talk about having a strategy for Social Security, it’s because the SSA isn’t going to point you toward the option that will pay you the most. It’s on every individual to understand the benefit options available and find the path that will help you get the most out of your retirement income. One of those...